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Date: 1775

A heart may glow with pure Julian fire

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

Love and fear may dry up "soft springs of pity" in the heart and freeze them

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

Lonely anguish may melt the heart

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

Young thought is "spread" by "kindly cares"

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

"What fancied zone can circumscribe the Soul, / Who, conscious of the source from whence she springs, / By Reason's light on Resolution's wings, / Spite of her frail / companion, dauntless goes / O'er Libya's deserts and through Zembla's snows? "

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

"Vital airs" alone will not impart "health and vigour" to the soul

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

The opening heart is warmed byt "kindly cares"

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

One's thought may ache at someone

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

The judgment may mend the plan drawn by fancy

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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Date: 1775

"See, in their course, each transitory thought / Fixed by his touch a lasting essence take; / Each dream, in fancy's airy colouring wrought, / To local symmetry and life awake!"

— Gray, Thomas (1716-1771)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.