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Date: 1792

When human feelings may inspire the breast so that the "Mint of Nature" glows, "Virtue strikes her image on the mind"

— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)

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Date: 1792

"O, the fell conflict, the intestine strife, / This clash of good and evil, death and life! / What, what are all the wars of sea and wind, / Or wreck of matter, to This War of Mind?"

— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)

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Date: 1792

"Two minds in one, and each a truceless guest, / Rending the sphere of our distracted breast!"

— Brooke, Henry (c. 1703-1783)

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Date: 1792

"I have just risen from a conversation which has made a deep impression on my mind."

— Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809)

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Date: 1793

"There, train'd amid slaughter and ruin to wade, / They toil in the heart-steeling, barbarous trade."

— Wilson, Alexander (1766-1813)

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Date: 1793

Every heart may be in a prance

— Macklin, Charles (1697-1797)

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Date: 1793

" When painful truths invade the mind, / Ev'n wisdom wishes to be blind, / And hates th' officious ray."

— Blacklock, Thomas (1721-1791)

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Date: 1793

"Again, the only means by which truth, however immutable in its own nature, can be communicated to the human mind is through the inlet of the senses. It is perhaps impossible that a man shut up in a cabinet can ever be wise"

— Godwin, William (1756-1836)

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Date: 1793

"How can you induce him to be dissatisfied with his present acquisitions, while every other person assures him that his accomplishments are admirable and his mind a mirror of sagacity?"

— Godwin, William (1756-1836)

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Date: 1793

"All kings have possessed such a portion of luxury and ease, have been so far surrounded with servility and falshood, and to such a degree exempt from personal responsibility, as to destroy the natural and wholesome complexion of the human mind."

— Godwin, William (1756-1836)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.