Date: 1753
"Over-cramm'd / With self, and surfeiting on brief success, / The narrow-compass'd heart wants room, for taste."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1753
One may have "a most insidious principle of self-love, that grew up with him from the cradle, and left no room in his heart for the least particle of social virtue"
preview | full record— Smollett, Tobias (1721-1777)
Date: 1753
"Still to my Sight, in Fancy's Mirror seen, / With all the Energy of Voice and Mien, / Still Barry's Force o'erwhelms my shrinking Heart."
preview | full record— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)
Date: 1753
"Sorrow renounces latitude of range: / Dwells in confinement's cave; where thought sits chain'd / Muses are shunn'd: and horror's winking lamp."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1753
"Though he expressed infinite anxiety and chagrin at this misfortune, which could not fail to raise new obstacles to their love, his heart was a stranger to the uneasiness he affected"
preview | full record— Smollett, Tobias (1721-1777)
Date: 1753
"The nymph, whose passions nature had filled to the brim, could not hear such a rhapsody unmoved"
preview | full record— Smollett, Tobias (1721-1777)
Date: 1753
"[B]ut, notwithstanding the fatigue he had undergone, sleep refused to visit his eye-lids, all his faculties being kept in motion by the ideas that crowded so fast upon his imagination"
preview | full record— Smollett, Tobias (1721-1777)
Date: 1753
"Passion! the spring, that all life's wheels employs, / Winds up the working thought--and heightens joys."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1753
"Passion! the great man's guide, the poor man's blame; / The soldier's lawrel, and the sigher's flame"
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)
Date: 1753
"Like our's, to night, Lord Passion sets their task; / Their fears, hopes, flatt'ries--all are passion's masque."
preview | full record— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)