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Date: 1759

"Precepts in Verse, to measure still confin'd, / Can make more deep Impression, in the Mind."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Refine you Spirit, with assiduous Care, / From ev'ry vicious Weed, your Virtue clear; / Virtue, and Vice, grow in the human Mind, / Like Corn, and Weeds, together closely join'd; / Extirpate Self-conceit, the worst of Weeds, / That checks the Growth of intellectual Seeds; / Each rebel Passion, ...

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Reason, and Faith, in friendly Union join'd, / Form the sincere Religion of the Mind; / Good Actions, its Sincerity declare, / Like Trees distinguish'd by the Fruit, they bear."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Beware of Self-deceit, that wily cheat, / Which blinds bright Intellect with vain Conceit; / Conceit sees Nothing in its real Light, / All Things alike delude its cheated Sight."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"If not with Prejudice, and Passion blind, / In Reason's Glass, you will your Error find. / Search the Recesses of the human Soul, / Mark there, what secret Springs her Acts controul."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Let Conscience, Nature's Monitor, control / Your Conduct, she is Guardian to your Soul."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Shun Comedies, where Scenes indecent stain / The youthful Mind, with Images obscene."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Ah! never at immodest Plays appear; / A wanton Farce, and a lascivious Play, / The Seeds of Vice insensibly convey; / There Virgin Innocence is first betray'd / By bad Impressions, on the Fancy made."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"No further can the Reach of human Mind / Extend, like Ocean, to its Bounds confin'd."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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Date: 1759

"Romance is, to the Mind, a noxious Feast, / Prepar'd by Art, to please a vicious Taste."

— Marriott, Thomas (d. 1766)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.