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Date: 1615

"The 12 signs of the Zodiac, by the Astrologers elegantly depictured in the body of a man, I pass over with silence: for these are things ancient and commonly known, as being sung in the corners of our streets: we choose rather to meditate of more sublime and profound matters, and to bend the eye...

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"The head, the Castle and tower of the soule, the seate of reason, the mansion house of wisedome, the treasury of memory, iudgement, and discourse, wherein mankinde is most like to the Angels or intelligencies, obtaining the loftiest and most eminent place in the body; doth it not elegantly resem...

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"For as in that celestiall part, the Sun is predominant, by whose motion, beames, and light, all things haue their brightnesse, luster, and beauty; so in the middest of the chest, the heart resideth, whose likenesse and proportion with the Sun, is such and so great, as the ancient writers haue be...

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"Whose arguments we will here scite before the tribunall of Reason"

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"[W]e are also of [Adam's] off-spring; not that I conceive (as some blasphemously have done) that he was made out of the very essence of God, but because the image of the divine nature, is most lively imprinted in his soul and in his body, and in the substance & qualities of them both. For the So...

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"For that first matter receiveth but particular and individual forms, and that without understanding: in the Soul are imprinted the universal forms of things, and it hath also understanding to judge of them."

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"For in it is a lively resemblance of the ineffable Trinity, represented by the three principal faculties, Memory, Understanding, and Will."

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"As the soul of man is of all sublunary formes the most noble, so his Body, the house of the soul, doth so far excel, as it may well be called [μετρσ], the measure and rule of all other bodies."

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1615

"Secondly, that the functions and offices of the outward senses, which are all placed as it were a guard in pension, in the palace of the head, and in the view and presence Chamber of Reason, which is their sovereign, might in a more excellent manner be exercised and put in practice."

— Crooke, Helkiah (1576-1648)

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Date: 1704

"Erect your schemes with as much method and skill as you please; yet, if the materials be nothing but dirt, spun out of your own entrails (the guts of modern brains), the edifice will conclude at last in a cobweb; the duration of which, like that of other spiders’ webs, may be imputed to their be...

— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.