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Date: 1630

"The apostle tells us that this love is the fulfilling of the law, not that it is enough to love our brother and so no further; but in regard of the excellency of his parts giving any motion to the other as the soul to the body and the power it hath to set all the faculties at work in the outward...

— Winthrop, John (1588–1649)

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Date: 1630

"Now when the soul, which is of a sociable nature, finds anything like to itself, it is like Adam when Eve was brought to him."

— Winthrop, John (1588–1649)

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Date: 1630

"She hath a great propensity to do it good and receives such content in it, as fearing the miscarriage of her beloved she bestows it in the inmost closet of her heart."

— Winthrop, John (1588–1649)

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Date: 1632

"Secondly, when you have made the heart thus affected with sinne, then take heed that the heart doth not flie off and shake off the yoke."

— Hooker, Richard (1554-1600)

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Date: 1632

"Looke as it is with a Gold smith that melteth the metall that he is to make a vessell of, if after the melting thereof, there follow a cooling, it had beene as good it had never beene melted, it is as hard, haply harder, as unfit, haply unfitter, then it was before to make vessell of; but after ...

— Hooker, Richard (1554-1600)

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Date: 1633

"The mind, you know is like a Table-Book"

— Donne, John (1572-1631)

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Date: 1633

"within my heart I made / Closets; and in them many a chest; / And like a master in my trade, / In those chests, boxes; in each box, a till: / Yet grief knows all, and enters when he will."

— Herbert, George (1593-1633)

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Date: 1633

"Our two soules therefore, which are one, / Though I must goe, endure not yet / A breach, but an expansion, / Like gold to ayery thinnesse beate."

— Donne, John (1572-1631)

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Date: 1633

"If they be two, they are two so / As stiffe twin compasses are two, / Thy soule the fixt foot, makes no show / To move, but doth, if the'other doe."

— Donne, John (1572-1631)

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Date: 1635

"'Tis said that Polo the Tragedian / When hee on Stage to force some passion came, / Had his Sonnes ashes in an Urne enshrin'd / To worke more deepe impressions in his mind."

— Brathwaite, Richard (1587/8-1673)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.