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Date: 1705, 1715

In Elections "A Man who must not make the least Pretence / To judge by Reason, or be rul'd by Sence"

— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)

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Date: 1705

"An Excellent Artist is not like the Phænix, for he does Justice to the Merits of others; for Judgment governs our Thoughts and Ideas, and makes us know our selves to be what we are."

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"All the World knows it is an Heroick Action not to be transported by our Passions; and tho' they may chance to assault our Wills, yet that Judgment that governs 'em will make us relish our Reasons"

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"'Tis a Fault which Authors of Romances commit in every Page; they would Blind the Reader with this Miracle, but 'tis necessary the Miracle shou'd be feisable, to make an Impression in the Brain of Reasonable Persons."

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"For though she might be prevail'd with to sacrifice one to the Service of the other, yet she would never part with the last, without it was to gratifie that Noble Passion of Revenge, which is the darling Vice of her Sex, and was not a Stranger to Zarah's Breast."

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"The Little Histories of this Kind have taken Place of Romances, whose Prodigious Number of Volumes were sufficient to tire and satiate such whose Heads were most fill'd with those Notions."

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"The Little Histories of this Kind have taken Place of Romances, whose Prodigious Number of Volumes were sufficient to tire and satiate such whose Heads were most fill'd with those Notions."

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"But as it was not sufficient for the Legislators of the Greeks only to understand Philosophy, but also to put it in Practice; so it was his Pleasure to profess the Precepts of the Stoicks, and particularly that of taming his Passions, before he wou'd sit at the Helm to prescribe Rules of Governm...

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"For tho' he had a Head as well qualified for Business as any Man Born, his Heart was all made up of Pleasure, which was the Loadstone govern'd all the Actions of his Life, which might have been as Glorious as the Riches of Albigion, and the entire Affection of the People cou'd make them."

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"Madam, answer'd he, if all the Passion Man can have for a Woman is not capable to justifie the Crime I committed against you, you ought to Pardon me at least, having suffer'd that for you which still fills my Soul with Grief and Confusion, tho' yet to serve you I will not spare the doing my sel...

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.