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Date: 1736

"THOU, matur'd by glad Hesperian Suns, / Tobacco, Fountain pure of limpid Truth, / That looks the very Soul; whence pouring Thought / Swarms all the Mind; absorpt is yellow Care, / And at each Puff Imagination burns."

— Browne, Isaac Hawkins (1705-1760)

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Date: 1736

"Dreams were the only Work of a disturb'd Fancy, and were as far from Truth, as the Glow-Worm's dim Shine from Light and Heat; the Creatures of the drowsy Brain."

— Chetwood, William Rufus (d. 1766)

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Date: 1736

"Great Minds, by native Sympathy, combine, / As golden Particles the closest join."

— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)

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Date: 1736

"In her own Breast she seeks a calm Repose, / And shuns the crowded Rooms of Belles and Beaux"

— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)

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Date: 1736

Love and Reason may make war within one's breast

— Granville, George, Baron Lansdowne (1666-1735)

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Date: 1732, 1736

Reason may over-rule fancy

— Granville, George, Baron Lansdowne (1666-1735)

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Date: 1736

"But, as a Child, in Thought, chews o'er / The Sweetmeats, which he eat before; / So in his Mind Alexis keeps / The dear Impression of her Lips:"

— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)

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Date: 1736, 1743

In youth "Fancy's mimick Pow'r is warm and strong, / Engraving deeply, and retaining long"

— Wesley, Samuel, the Younger (1691-1739)

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Date: 1736, 1743

"The Signet thus cast in the best-wrought Mould, / Imprints no Likeness when the Wax is cold."

— Wesley, Samuel, the Younger (1691-1739)

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Date: 1737

"Whatever fancy paints, invention pours, / Judgment digests, the well tuned bosom feels, / Truth natural, moral, or divine, has taught, / The virtues dictate, or the Muses sing."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.