Date: 1735
"Her lovely Mind shines chearful thro' her Face, / A sacred Lamp in a fair Crystal Case."
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)
Date: 1735
"He seemed therefore confident, that instead of Reason, we were only possessed of some Quality fitted to increase our natural Vices; as the Reflection from a troubled Stream returns the Image of an ill-shapen Body, not only larger, but more distorted."
preview | full record— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)
Date: 1735
"Imagination, Fancy, and Invention, they are wholly Strangers to, nor have any Words in their Language by which those Ideas can be expressed; the whole Compass of their Thoughts and Mind, being shut up within the two forementioned Sciences"
preview | full record— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)
Date: 1735
"What is the blooming Tincture of a Skin, / To Peace of Mind? To Harmony within?"
preview | full record— Dodsley, Robert (1703-1764)
Date: 1735, 1745
The soul "Which reasons justly, Its own Thoughts o'er-rules"
preview | full record— Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747)
Date: 1735, 1745
"And Fancy's Fire with Judgment's Temper cools."
preview | full record— Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747)
Date: 1735, 1745
"Only to trifle sev'nty Years away / In this frail Flesh, this Tenement of Clay, / In Doubt, in Fear, in Sorrow, in Despair, / Then cease to be, and vanish into Air?"
preview | full record— Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747)
Date: 1735, 1745
"No; not as Men / Each other see; but with Angelick Ken, / With the Mind's Eye. Ev'n to Corporeal Sight, / With Emanations of transcendent Light, / He who is God, as well as Man, shall shine; / His glorious Body darting Rays divine"
preview | full record— Trapp, Joseph (1679-1747)
Date: 1702 [1735, 1779, 1779-80, 1790]
"O generous Sympathy, that binds / In Chains unseen the bravest Minds!"
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)
Date: 1735
"Affection is the Chain of grateful Minds."
preview | full record— Hughes, John (1678?-1720)