Date: 1777
"Somebody, I think, has compared them to small pieces of coin, which, though of less value than the large, are more current amongst men; but the parallel fails in one respect: a thousand of those livres do not constitute a louis; and I have known many characters possessed of all tha...
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1777
"[H]er spirits droop more than her body; she is thoughtful and melancholy when she thinks she is not observed, and, what pleases me worse, affects to appear otherwise, when she is"
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1777
Attempts at gaiety may look like "a conquest over the natural pensiveness of [the] mind"
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1777
"His youth has been enlightened by letters, and informed by travel; but what is still more valuable, his mind has been early impressed with the principles of manly virtue."
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1777
"[T]here is, methinks, a languor in your last letter--or is it but the livery of my own imagination, which the objects around me are constrained to wear?"
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1777
"He appeared to feel in his situation that dependence I mentioned; in mean souls, this produces servility; in liberal minds, it is the nurse of honourable pride."
preview | full record— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)
Date: 1783, 1785, 1789
"Indeed, the real seat of all superiority, even of manners, must be placed in the mind: dignified sentiments, superior courage, accompanied with genuine and universal courtesy, are always necessary to constitute the real gentleman; and where these are wanting, it is the greatest absurdity to thin...
preview | full record— Day, Thomas (1748-1789)
Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816
"He consoled himself, however, for this intruding and unwelcome perception of his littleness, with the thought of being great in the eyes of others; and flattered himself that the light of his mind would extend beyond the reach of his sight, and extort from the stars the decrees of his destiny."
preview | full record— Beckford, William (1760-1844)
Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816
"'Drink then this draught,' said the stranger, as he presented to him a phial of a red and yellow mixture: 'and, to satiate the thirst of thy soul, as well as of thy body, know, that I am an Indian; but, from a region of India, which is wholly unknown.'"
preview | full record— Beckford, William (1760-1844)
Date: w. 1782, 1786, 1816
"They very politely invited Bababalouk to be of their party; but his head was full of other concerns."
preview | full record— Beckford, William (1760-1844)