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Date: August 1, 2009

"There is nothing like a good storm for washing away mental debris, and I let it."

— Klinkenbourg, Verlyn (b. 1952)

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Date: August 3, 2009

"Then, when you wake up at 3 A.M. and you need big, sad, well-placed words to tumble slowly into the basin of your mind, and you don't want to wake up the person who's in bed with you, you can reach under the pillow and find Apple's smooth machine and click it on."

— Baker, Nicholson (b. 1957)

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Date: August 3, 2009

"After a while, your thoughts will drift off to the unused siding where the old tall weeds are, and the string of curving words will toot a mournful toot and pull ahead."

— Baker, Nicholson (b. 1957)

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Date: August 5, 2009

"That reminds me of a wonderful quote from a professional cartoonist who also teaches a university level course on comedy, who said he thought of 'humour as a necessary counterweight to the hegemony of reason.'"

— Bhalla, Jag

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Date: August 6, 2009

"But they [lies] do not prevent us from seeking the truth, from looking outside our mental prisons and trying to uncover the true nature of the world that surrounds us."

— Morris, Errol (b. 1948)

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Date: August 3, 2009

"And I say, then your mind starts running, if you have a kaleidoscope mind like I do."

— Weiner, Michael [Michael Savage] (b. 1942)

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Date: December 21, 2009

"The resulting mental freeze-frames are remarkably diverse."

— Hoffman, Jascha

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Date: Summer 2009

"It is in this sense that the first-personal perspective is strictly unavoidable: I am not a passenger on a vessel pulled hither and yon by impulses and desires; I have to steer."

— Pippin, Robert B. (b. 1948)

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Date: Februrary 25, 2009

"He thinks that discourses are 'established conventions' and that language is a resource which constrains what can be said – as if words were ill-fitting clothes within which thoughts are confined."

— Wootton, David

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Date: April 2, 2009

"Memory is a muscle, not a quart jar."

— Holt, Jim

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.