Date: Trans. 1425
"þe þe place & þe habitacioun of þe resonable soule, as G[alen] hym selfe seid."
preview | full record— Guy de Chauliac (c.1300-1368)
Date: Trans. 1425
"Haue alle þe ylke cifers togedur in þi mynde, a-rowe ychon aftur other."
preview | full record— Johannes de Sacrobosco or Sacro Bosco; John of Holywood (c. 1195 - c. 1256)
Date: 1445
"Eche of þese [v inward bodili wittis: commune witt, ymaginacioun, ffantasie, estimacioun, mind] han to hem her propre chaumbres in þe philosophris seyn."
preview | full record— Pecock, Reginald (c.1395-1460)
Date: 1464
"The mind, to be sure, is like an intellectual book, which sees in itself, and for all, the intention of the author."
preview | full record— Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464)
Date: 1464
"For Simple Being, which is visible to the mind alone, is to the mind as the being of color is to the sense of sight."
preview | full record— Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464)
Date: 1464
" [I]f someone were to turn his mind's sight to the possibility, or power, of oneness: he surely would see in every number and in all plurality only oneness's power"
preview | full record— Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464)
Date: 1464
"Therefore, my dearly beloved Peter, with keen directedness turn your mind's eye to this secret, and with this analysis enter into my writings and into whatever other writings you read, and occupy yourself especially with my books and sermons."
preview | full record— Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464)
Date: c. 1508?
"The mind of the painter should be like a mirror which always takes the colour of the thing that it reflects and which is filled by as many images as there are things placed before it."
preview | full record— Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452-1519)
Date: 1530
"Paucis libris vir sapiens contentus est, et quanto sapientior, tanto pauciorum codicum est indigus. Egregie autem eruditus in scrinio pectoris libriariam circunfert."
preview | full record— Mair [Major], John (1467-1550)
Date: 1532
[The theater of the mind is] "marked with many images, and full of little boxes"
preview | full record— Camillo, Giulio (1480-1544)