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Date: 1760

"A man this emptied and vacuated of self-conceit, these lines of natural pride, being blotted out, the soul is as a Tabula rasa, an unwritten table, to receive any impression of the law of God, that he pleases to put on it; and then his words are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to ...

— Binning, Hugh (1627-1653)

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Date: 1760

"Whenever this shall be executed, it is to be looked upon as the work of true genius; but when fallen short of, as often happens, it is to be deemed the impotent effort of the hard-bound brains of low plagiaries, whose memory is filled with the shreds and ill-chosen scraps of other mens wit."

— Macklin, Charles (1697-1797)

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Date: 1760

"Squire Groome is no national characteristic of England, but a general representative of any person of the three kingdoms, who likes horse-racing, drinking, &c. preferably to any other happiness; but why he should be the type of the English nation, I cannot see, and therefore leave it to the very...

— Macklin, Charles (1697-1797)

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Date: 1784, 1804

"The apostle wishes and prays that the sovereign and all-conquering grace of God might reign and rule in their hearts and consciences."

— Huntington, William (1745-1813)

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Date: 1784, 1804

"The apostle well knew that erroneous men would be busy in besieging their understandings, and that carnal objects would be labouring to engross their affections; vanity to entertain their minds, pleasures to attract their desires, and legality to entangle and govern their consciences."

— Huntington, William (1745-1813)

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Date: 1784, 1804

"The apostle well knew, by his own experience, that Satan would lay strong siege to such souls; and he knew for a truth that, if one sin found acceptance and entertainment in the soul, that sin when it had engrossed the affections, would let in many more, and consequently leave a ga...

— Huntington, William (1745-1813)

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Date: 1784, 1804

"When this is the case the hedge (to our feelings) is broken down, and we lie exposed to every temptation; as says the Psalmist--'Why hast thou broken down her hedges, so that all they that pass by the way do pluck her?' Psal. lxxx. 12"

— Huntington, William (1745-1813)

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Date: 1784, 1804

" When thus entangled we try to resist, but are still rebuffed or beaten back; this causes rebellion and murmuring to take possession of our hearts."

— Huntington, William (1745-1813)

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Date: 1784, 1804

"[A]nd that the altogether lovely Saviour might be enthroned, exalted, and admired, in the throne of their hearts"

— Huntington, William (1745-1813)

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Date: 1784, 1804

"But his spiritual kingdom is not of this world; the throne of grace is in heaven; his laws are from heaven, and written in the minds of all his subjects."

— Huntington, William (1745-1813)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.