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Date: 1705, 1714, 1732

The generality of Wise Men agree that there is "no Conquest like that of our Passions"

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1705, 1714, 1732

"Malice and most severe Strokes of Fortune can do no more Injury to a Mind thus stript of all Fears, Wishes and Inclinations, than a blind Horse can do in an empty Barn"

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1705, 1714, 1732

"This has often made me compare the Virtues of great Men to your large China Jars: they make a fine Shew, and are Ornamental even to a Chimney; one would by the Bulk they appear in, and the Value that is set upon 'em, think they might be very useful, but look into a thousand of them, and you'll f...

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1705, 1714, 1732

"Where would you look for the Excellency of a Statue, but in that Part which you see of it? 'Tis the Polish'd Outside only that has the Skill and Labour of the Sculptor to boast of; what's out of sight is untouch'd. Would you break the Head or cut open the Breast to look for the Brains or the Hea...

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1705, 1714, 1732

"That Resolution depends upon this Tone of the Spirits, appears likewise from the effects of strong Liquors, the fiery Particles whereof crowding into the Brain, strengthen the Spirits; their Operation imitates that of Anger, which I said before was an Ebullition of the Spirits."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1705, 1714, 1732

"I could tell People that to extricate themselves from all worldly Engagements, and to purify the Mind, they must divest themselves of their Passions, as Men take out the Furniture when they would clean a Room thoroughly."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1723, 1732

"From whence we may learn that to perform a meritorious Action, it is not sufficient barely to conquer a Passion, unless it likewise be done from a laudable Principle, and consequently how necessary that Clause was in the Definition of Virtue, that our Endeavours were to proceed from a ratio...

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1724-6

"Even the men of business, who are really so when in London; whether it be at the Exchange, the Alley, or the Treasury-Offices, and the Court; yet here they look as if they had left all their London thoughts behind them, and had separated themselves to mirth and good company; as if they came hith...

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: 1729

"It is evident, that the Mind of Man is the general Mint, where the Means of this sort must be coin'd."

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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Date: 1729

"You have seen those Engines that raise Water by the Help of Fire; the Steam you know, is that which forces it up; it is as impossible to see the volatile Particles that perform the Labour of the Brain, when the Creature is dead, as in the Engine it would be to see the Steam, (which yet does all ...

— Mandeville, Bernard (bap. 1670, d. 1733)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.