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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"Contemplation, Contemplating, Meditation, Study: In Metaphysicks, it is Defin'd to be the preserving of an Idea or Conception, which is brought into the Mind, for some time actually in View."

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"To Dazzle, to hurt the Sight, with too muc Light, to surprize the Mind; to tempt, to decoy, to beguile."

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"Elate, (Lat.) puffed up, transported, lofty, proud, haughty; as A Man of an Elate Mind. "

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"To Imprint, to Engrave, or fix a thing in one's Mind."

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"To Instill, to pour in by little and little, to let fall drop by drop; in a figurative Sense to infuse Principles or Notions, so that the may glide insensibly into the Mind."

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"Longanimity, (Lat. q.d. Length of Mind) Longsuffering, great Patices, or Forbearance. "

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"Luciferous, that brings Light: as Luciferous Experiments, a Term us'd by Naturlaists, for such Experiments as serve to inform and inlighten the Mind, about some Truth of Speculation in Physick or Philosophy."

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"Plantal, causing to sprout forth, or grow; as in The Plantal Faculties of the Soul. "

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"To Tyrannize, to play the Tyrant, or use tyrannically; to oppress, or lord it over. The Passions are Figuratively said To Tyrannize over the Soul. "

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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Date: 1706 [first published 1658]

"Volition, (in Philos.) the Act of Willing, an Act of the Mind when it knowingly exercises that Dominion it takes to it self over any Part of the Man, by employing such a Faculty in, or withholding it from any particular Action."

— Phillips, Edward (1630-1696)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.