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Date: 1780

"But the skilful marksman, like our philosopher, examines first the mark he is to shoot at, with all possible diligence and care, to see whether it be soft or hard, for some are impenetrable; then dipping his arrow, not in poison, like the Scythians, nor in opium, like the Curetes, but in a kind ...

— Francklin, Thomas (1721–1784); Lucian (b.c. 125, d. after 180)

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Date: [1782]

"I have already mentioned the BRAIN as the Capital Organ of all Sensation, and from it the Nerves all originate."

— Martin, Benjamin (bap. 1705, d. 1782)

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Date: [1782]

"I must now further observe to you, that the Brain is also the Seat or Residence of the MIND or SOUL of the Animal.--That it is the Grand Emporium of all Intelligence, and of all Ideas and Species of external Objects presented there by the Nerves."

— Martin, Benjamin (bap. 1705, d. 1782)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.