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Date: 1684

"Much like th' ore-fond, tormented Lover, / Whose Travels Scorns alone discover / To th' chased Stag? Their Dwellings bear / Same form, sad-fortun'd Both appear, / Wilderness round his Fancy shows, / Which wild, disorder'd Thoughts compose; / Hunted by Dogs each strong for Scent / (Grief, Rage, D...

— Harington, John (1627-1700)

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Date: 1684

"Those dreadful Horns resemble well / (Since sounding forth their mortal Knell) / Those sharp disdainful Checks that came / From his too coy, severer Dame: / Found terribler, more shrill beside, / Through Fancy's Eccho's multiply'd."

— Harington, John (1627-1700)

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Date: 1684

"Thus, when (confounded Thoughts) sad Race, / So long maintain'd, th' unhappy Chase, / As faintest, gasping Hopes supply / With broken Breath, when 'midst the Cry, / No Comfort's cooler Stream relieving, / Nor Reason's Bay, at last help giving; / With Stag-like Fate he falling dyes, / Scorn's Tri...

— Harington, John (1627-1700)

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Date: 1685

Eternal troubles may haunt an anxious mind

— Dryden, John (1631-1700)

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Date: 1685

"Victorious Reason" may "afford / A Nobler Conquest then the Sword"

— Philips, John (1676-1709)

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Date: 1685

One's thoughts and joys may be "all pack'd up and gone"

— Mason, John (1646?-1694)

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Date: 1685

A Partner of a king's sway may be "greater in the Empire of His Heart"

— Arwaker, Edmund (c.1655-1730)

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Date: 1685

Words entring the narrow Gate of the ear "Through the Ears winding Turnpikes progress make, / And are conducted to the Intellect, / In decent order, have quick audience"

— Clark, William (fl. 1663-1685)

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Date: 1685

From "the council of the common Sense" a message "As quick returns: for words are instantly / Dispatch'd in answer"

— Clark, William (fl. 1663-1685)

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Date: 1685

"For, as we see in Princes Pallaces, / How all the avenues, and passages / Are strictly guarded, to oppose the rude / Tumultuous entries of the Multitude: / Whilst civil persons, who have business, / Pass through the Guards, and dayly make address / To th'Princes ear: so all the Guards o'th' brai...

— Clark, William (fl. 1663-1685)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.