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Date: 1743, 1745

"From the court-mint, of hearts the current coin / The pulpit presses, but the pattern drives."

— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)

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Date: w. August, 1745; 1822

"Above the thirst of gold, if in his heart / Ambition govern'd, Av'rice had no part."

— Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury (1708-1759)

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Date: 1745

"Could human courts take vengeance on the mind, / Axes might rust, and racks and gibbets fall: / Guard then thy mind, and leave the rest to fate."

— Young, Edward (bap. 1683, d. 1765)

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Date: September 27, 1746

"Painful reflection! poyson to my mind!"

— Hervey, John, second Baron Hervey of Ickworth (1696-1743)

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Date: September 27, 1746

"A jealous daemon whispers in my breast."

— Hervey, John, second Baron Hervey of Ickworth (1696-1743)

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Date: September 27, 1746

"My virtue shows what 'twas the gods design'd, / By chance on Africk's clay they stamp'd a Roman mind."

— Hervey, John, second Baron Hervey of Ickworth (1696-1743)

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Date: June 1751, 1752

"Thou [Eagle] servant of almighty JOVE, / Who, free and swift as thought, could'st rove / To the bleak north's extremest goal."

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: June 1751, 1752

"Thou [Eagle] type of wit and sense confin'd, / Cramp'd by the oppressors of the mind, / Who study downward on the ground."

— Smart, Christopher (1722-1771)

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Date: 1751

"But sure thy mind was meant the court of love, / Soft as the joys, that yielding virgins move."

— Harman, P.

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Date: 1751, 1791

"To Fancy's court we strait apply, / And wait the sentence of her eye."

— Cotton, Nathaniel, the elder (1705-1788)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.