Date: 1728
"If Love the Virgin's Heart invade, / How, like a Moth, the simple Maid / Still plays about the Flame!"
preview | full record— Gay, John (1685-1732)
Date: 1728
Imaginary Conquests may swell the Mind
preview | full record— Pattison, William (1706-1727)
Date: 1728
"At once thy small, yet glorious Dart / Shall conquer Love's, and Laura's Heart."
preview | full record— Pattison, William (1706-1727)
Date: January 29, 1729
"Still Favourites of these conquering Eyes, / 'gainst whom no Heart's defended."
preview | full record— Ramsay, Allan (1684-1758)
Date: 1729, 1737
"She laugh'd at all the puny Arts, / Which conquer other Female Hearts"
preview | full record— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)
Date: 1729, 1737
" 'Why wouldst thou follow with delusive Art, / 'So poor a Conquest as a female heart?"
preview | full record— Thurston, Joseph (1704-1732)
Date: March 24, 1729
"The Fish in Innocence secure, / Once tempted by the Bait; / Pursues and snaps the treach'rous Lure, / And meets her certain Fate: / So Virgins when to Love betray'd, / Indulge the pleasing Pain; / The Passion does each Sense invade, / They ne'er are free again."
preview | full record— Coffey, Charles (d. 1745)
Date: 1730
"No light the darkness of that mind invades, / Where Chaos rules, enshrin'd in genuine Shades;"
preview | full record— Harte, Walter (1708/9-1774)
Date: 1730
"This rising day / Saw Sophonisba, from the height of life, / Thrown to the very brink of slavery: / State, honours, armies vanquish'd; nothing left / But her own great unconquerable mind."
preview | full record— Thomson, James (1700-1748)
Date: 1731
"It must needs follow from hence, that Knowledge is an Inward and Active Energy of the Mind it self, and the displaying of its own Innate Vigour from within, whereby it doth Conquer, Master and Command its Objects, and so begets a Clear, Serene, Victorious, and Satisfactory Sense within it self."
preview | full record— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)