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Date: 1777

"Your mind, child, (continued my mother) is too tender; I fear it is, for this bad world."

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: 1777

"He appeared to feel in his situation that dependence I mentioned; in mean souls, this produces servility; in liberal minds, it is the nurse of honourable pride."

— Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831)

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Date: December 10, 1776; 1777

"The same disposition, the same desire to find something steady, substantial and durable, on which the mind can lean as it were, and rest with safety. The subject only is changed."

— Reynolds, Joshua (1723-1792)

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Date: 1777, 1810

"And oft the bard's elastic mind / To lighter images inclined; / In concord with Anacreon's measure, / Courts the jovial gods of pleasure."

— Stockdale, Percival (1736-1811)

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Date: 1777, 1810

"Well-pleased, in fancy he surveys, / With fancy's mimick tint pourtrays / The fate elysian of the swain, / Who, stranger to his nymph's disdain, / Feels the true zest of Cupid's reign, / His lasting joys enhanced by momentary pain."

— Stockdale, Percival (1736-1811)

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Date: w. 1755, 1777

"She [Nature] employs it [spiritual substance] as a kind of paste or clay; modifies it into a variety of forms and existences; dissolves after a time each modification, and from its substance erects a new form."

— Hume, David (1711-1776)

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Date: 1777

"The minds of the negroes are contracted; because slavery destroys all the springs of the soul."

— Raynal, Guillaume Thomas (1713-1796)

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Date: 1778

" In thee, by art, the demon stands confest, / But nature on thy soul has stamped the god."

— Chatterton, Thomas (1752-1770)

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Date: 1778

Where is a stock of ideas stored?

— Caulfield (fl. 1778)

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Date: 1767, 1778

Science may "bid the soul her own rich funds employ, / Increase her treasures, and her wealth enjoy."

— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.