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Date: 1743

"We hang one jingling padlock on the mind"

— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)

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Date: 1745

"Drink early then, my Friend, at Reason's Bowl, / And fill with wholesome Draughts thy youthful Soul. / If Wine or Gall the Recent Vessel stains, / Each Scent alike the faithful Cask retains."

— Whaley, John (bap. 1710, d. 1745)

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Date: 1752

Pleasure is "the secret Spring that actuates man"

— Duncombe, John (1729-1786) [pseud.]

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Date: 1761, 1765

"If Prejudices rule with tyrant sway, / Teach them the voice of Reason to obey."

— Stevenson, William (1730-1783)

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Date: 1761, 1765

"Labour and Want (unhospitable twain) / Chill not the current in Life's salient vein; / Nor damp the spirits, else of sprightly cast, / Nor check the nobler passions of the breast; / Nor blunt the fine Sensation's tender edge, / Which man's chief pride philosophers allege. / Thus some fair ...

— Stevenson, William (1730-1783)

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Date: 1761, 1765

"A taste, improv'd by Education, finds / Pleasures where none appear to ruder minds; / Scenes, where the croud but few attractions see, / Affect it in an exquisite degree: / As telescopes, the finer ground, convey / More striking beauties by the visual ray; / Or magnets, as prepar'd the mor...

— Stevenson, William (1730-1783)

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Date: 1801

The heart may bear a "fair image"

— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)

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Date: 1801

Heaven "Braces each nerve, and stamps with energy his soul"

— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)

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Date: 1801

"Stampt on my soul, and with my life combin'd, / Is the remembrance of my much-lov'd King"

— Burges, Sir James Bland (1752-1824)

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Date: June 1, 2010

"Books live in the mind like honey inside a beehive.

— McGrath, Campbell (b. 1962)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.