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Date: 1736

"PAULTONS affords me next a kind Retreat, / Where crowding Joys my grateful Heart dilate"

— Duck, Stephen (1705-1756)

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Date: 1736

"A thousand Pleasures crowd into his Breast."

— Fitzgerald, Thomas (1695-1752)

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Date: 1727, 1739

"My Heart, no Stranger to the Guest [Love], / Flutter'd, and labour'd in my Breast"

— Broome, William (1689-1745); Hesiod

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Date: 1743

"For part they must: Body and Soul must part; / Fond Couple! link'd more close than wedded Pair."

— Blair, Robert (1699-1746)

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Date: 1746

One's sires's "great soul" may respire in one's breast

— Ruffhead, James

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Date: 1746

"All raving Passions soon wou'd be supprest" is man cou'd "but thro' eternity pervade"

— Ruffhead, James

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Date: 1753

Locke's "guiding Hand th'ideal Blank explores, / And opens wide the Senses' various Doors, / Thro' which the thronging Thoughts their Passage find, / In social Tribes, and stock the peopled Mind."

— Jones, Henry (1721-1770)

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Date: 1754

"Then thus Philantha, in whose breast / Good-nature is a constant guest,"

— Bowden, Samuel (fl. 1733-1761)

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Date: 1755

"My heart was free from care: / Love was a stranger to my breast"

— Derrick, Samuel (1724-1769)

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Date: 1746, 1757

"If Pity be no Stranger to thy Breast, / (As sure it should not to a Breast like thine, / Soft as the Swanny Down!) relenting, hear"

— Thompson, William (bap. 1712, d.c. 1766)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.