Date: December, 1917
"I was of three minds, / Like a tree / In which there are three blackbirds."
preview | full record— Stevens, Wallace (1879-1955)
Date: 1926
"Leaving, as the moon releases / Twig by twig the night-entangled trees, / Leaving, as the moon behind the winter leaves, / Memory by memory the mind--"
preview | full record— Macleish, Archibald (1892-1982)
Date: 1928, 1978
"Only the copied text thus commands the soul of him who is occupied with it, whereas the mere reader never discovers the new aspects of his inner self that are opened by the text, that road cut through the interior jungle forever closing behind it: because the reader follows the movement of his m...
preview | full record— Benjamin, Walter (1892-1940)
Date: 1932
"A tiny core of stillness in the heart is like the eye of a violet."
preview | full record— Lawrence, D. H. (1885-1930)
Date: 1937
"Make [her mind], as a garden gay, / Every bud of thought display, / Till, improving year by year, / The whole culture shall appear,"
preview | full record— Philips, Ambrose (1674-1749)