Date: 1984
"Small and far away on the mind's screen, a semblance of Deane struck a semblance of an office wall in an explosion of brains and blood,"
preview | full record— Gibson, William (b. 1948)
Date: 1992
"What we see when we take this inner look will be partly determined by the philosophical viewpoint from which we look, or, we might say, by the conceptual spectacles we may be wearing."
preview | full record— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)
Date: 1992
"After a while, he no longer recognized what he was thinking and, just as a shop window sometimes prevents the onlooker from seeing the objects behind the glass and folds him instead in a narcissistic embrace, his mind ignored the flow of impressions from the outside world and locked him into a d...
preview | full record— Edward St. Aubyn (b. 1960)
Date: 1992
"Only this violence could break open a world constrained by the hidden cameras of conscience and vanity."
preview | full record— Edward St. Aubyn (b. 1960)
Date: 1997
"She occupies now an entirely new angular relation to Mercy, to those refusals, among the Living, to act on behalf of Death or its ev'ryday Coercions,--Wages too low to live upon, Laws written by Owners, Infantry, Bailiffs, Prison, Death's thousand Metaphors in the World,--as if, the instant of h...
preview | full record— Pynchon, Thomas (b. 1937)
Date: Summer, 2004
"Even on the subway and in the street, porn-i-color daydreams issue through our mental viewfinders."
preview | full record— Greif, Mark (b. 1975)
Date: 2007
"If Belinda's mind is like a whirligig of fashion or a camera obscura, where moving images are cast upon a blank surface umediated by a reflective or critical presence, then Pope supplies the ekphrasis suitable for such machinery."
preview | full record— Lamb, Jonathan (b. 1945)
Date: 2009, trans. 2012
"Everything I saw, faces, bodies ambling through the cabin, stowing their baggage here, sitting down, stowing their baggage there, sitting down, was followed by a reflective shadow that could not desist from telling me that I was seeing this now while aware that I was seeing this, and so on ad ab...
preview | full record— Knausgaard, Karl Ove (b. 1968)
Date: September 27, 2012
"The conservative mind, a repository of fresh ideas just two decades ago, is now little more than a click-click slide projector holding a tray of apocalyptic images of modern life that keeps spinning around, raising the viewer’s fever with every rotation."
preview | full record— Lilla, Mark (b. 1956)
Date: May 12, 2014
"For a study published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, they imaged the brains of meditators while they went through four basic mental movements: focusing on a chosen target, noticing that their minds had wandered, bringing their minds back to the target, and sustaining their focus there."
preview | full record— Goleman, Daniel (b. 1946)