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Date: 1803

"Charms with soft words, and sooths with amorous wiles, / Her iron-hearted Lord,--and Pluto smiles."

— Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802)

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Date: 1804

"'Then first with the seducing Cup / 'I tried to steel my Breast, / 'To keep expiring Courage up"

— Crabbe, George (1754-1832)

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Date: c. 1804-1811, 1818

"For every human heart has gates of brass & bars of adamant, / Which few dare unbar because dread Og & Anak guard the gates"

— Blake, William (1757-1827)

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Date: 1805

"Your Worth and Talents will unfold, / Richer than Needlework of Gold; / The native treasures of the soul, / True--as the Needle to the Pole."

— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)

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Date: 1805

"From that rich mine--a merry heart-- / You draw, with more than chemic art, / Of happy thoughts a copious store, / And radiant Gold without the Ore."

— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)

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Date: 1805

"And the gay vein of sportive Sense / Enrich'd by sterling Innocence; / Th'undrossy treasures of the Mind / Good-humour'd, graceful, and refin'd; / And, rivalling the Seers of old, / Whate'er you touch transmutes to Gold."

— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)

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Date: 1805

"The history of his Heart can tell; / Can all its sterling powers unfold, / More worth than Pens or Mines of Gold"

— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)

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Date: 1805

Minerva has "With ready Thought, Expression fit, / And sterling Sense, and playful Wit" array'd her "favour'd Boy" Cupid

— Pratt, Samuel Jackson [pseud. Courtney Melmoth] (1749-1814)

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Date: 1805

"Touched with my care, my tyrant may prove kind, / Nor let that form conceal an iron mind."

— Ossian; Macpherson, James (1736-1796)

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Date: 1805

"The Saxon saw, advanced, nor looked behind, / Fate hurried on, and courage steel'd his mind."

— Ossian; Macpherson, James (1736-1796)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.