Date: 1785
"While in high life our hearts the fashions steel, / Too gay to listen, and too fine to feel--"
preview | full record— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)
Date: 1786
Uncouth men may have "minds like rich metals, as yet unpurify'd from alloy; but let it once be known that the ore is gold, and the refiner's hand will soon bring forth the bullion"
preview | full record— Pilon, Frederick (1750-1788)
Date: First performed August 4, 1787
"Ill founded precept too long has steel'd my breast--but still 'tis vulnerable-- this trial was too muc"
preview | full record— Colman, George, the younger (1762-1836)
Date: 1788
"True love purifies the soul from every base alloy."
preview | full record— Cobb, James (1756-1818)
Date: 1788
"O yes, this is his valet that Lady Jane mentioned, this is her O'Donovan and my Aircourt, but my heart is steel'd against him"
preview | full record— O'Keeffe, John (1747-1833)
Date: 1790
"The hour approaches when we must for ever separate! Steel your bosom and weep not."
preview | full record— Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809); Johann Christian Brandes (1735-1799)
Date: 1792
"Men!--Men! false! treacherous crocodiles! Your eyes are water! your hearts are iron!"
preview | full record— Tytler, Alexander Fraser (1747-1813); Schiller (1759-1805)
Date: 1792
"The tears, the supplications of his father, never reach'd his iron heart.-- "
preview | full record— Tytler, Alexander Fraser (1747-1813); Schiller (1759-1805)
Date: 1792
"The King of England steels his heart against us"
preview | full record— Colman, George, the younger (1762-1836)
Date: 1792
"We from your judgment to your hearts appeal, / Generous as brave, you are not hearts of steel"
preview | full record— Whyte, Samuel (1733-1811)