Date: January 17, 2017
"It not only gets the steel ball rolling onto the intestines, but also activates the senses, setting them to the frequencies at which the signals of new dangers can be received. Those signals appear as noise to the previous -- pre-war -- mind, as a breakdown in communication."
preview | full record— Hemon, Aleksandr (b. 1964)
Date: June 30, 2017
"In this sense, a forgotten memory is a lot like an old file on your computer. While the document still exists, you don't have a good way of getting to it, and today many memory researchers don't even use the word 'forgetting.'"
preview | full record— Boser, Ulrich
Date: May-June, 2017
"Memories continually change through repeated recollection, yet their tendency over time is to a reduction which mirrors that of photography--like a stack of snapshots repeatedly returned to. Such memories become archetypal crystallizations of identity--slides in the carousel of the mind."
preview | full record— Stallabrass, Julian (b. March 16, 1960)
Date: May-June, 2017
"Describing the phenomena as 'flashbulb memories', Brown and Kulik found that episodic and source memory appeared tightly enmeshed, so that subjects vividly recalled not just the event, but where and how they came to know it. Such recollections also seemed to have a strong affinity with the still...
preview | full record— Stallabrass, Julian (b. March 16, 1960)
Date: August 17, 2017
"Y'know, you have an idea. It's like when you read a thing and then an image pops into your head, or however that happens. You're seeing a picture in your brain like on TV."
preview | full record— Murray, Noel
Date: May 14, 2018
"On top, you have your brain -- just like the body, the brain's on top. It's neurotic, it's weird, it's malfunctioning. It's like a broken computer."
preview | full record— Malkmus, Stephen (b. 1966)
Date: September 5, 2018
"Chief among this novel’s pleasures is viewing the nation -- its landscapes, its people, its curdled politics, its increasingly feudal inequalities -- through the vibrant filters of Gary Shteyngart’s Hipstamatic mind."
preview | full record— Miles, Jonathan
Date: Dec. 15, 2018
"'And that is in fact devastating because brain remodeling is something we need to do all the time — we are constantly rewiring our brains based on past experience and the expectation of how we need to use them in the future,' Dr. Akil said."
preview | full record— Friedman, Richard A.
Date: January 26, 2019
"His mind is not what it was, and at its peak it was more of a Magic 8 Ball than a supercomputer."
preview | full record— Roth, David
Date: February 11, 2019
"You can't take your eyes off his eyes--blue and unblinking, as he confronts the world like a camera with the shutter left open, permitting the images to burn into his brain."
preview | full record— Lane, Anthony (b. 1962)