Date: Wednesday, April 30, 1712
"That Devotion to his Mistress kindles in his Mind a general Tenderness, which exerts it self towards every Object as well as his Fair-one."
preview | full record— Steele, Sir Richard (1672-1729)
Date: Saturday, June 14, 1712
"There is something so pathetick in this kind of Diction, that it often sets the Mind in a Flame, and makes our Hearts burn within us."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1712, 1719
"God of the Grape, I'll wisely use / Thy heav'nly Gifts, nor will disclose / Thy sacred Rites; do thou asswage / My burning Soul, and curb thy Rage: / Lest to new hateful Crimes I run: / Lest Vanity seize Reason's Throne, / And wretched I to open Day / The Secrets of the Night betray, / And my He...
preview | full record— Oldisworth, William (1680-1734)
Date: 1712
"Strong as the Winds, and sprightly as the Light? / She [the mind] moves unweary'd, as the active Fire, / And, like the Flame, her Flights to Heav'n aspire."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1712
"She next essay'd the Embryo's Rise to trace / From an unfashion'd, rude, unchannell'd Mass; / And sung how Spirits waken'd in the Brain / Exert their Force, and genial Toil maintain; / Erect the beating Heart, the Channels frame, / Unfold entangled Limbs, and kindle vital Flame."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1713
Thus o'er the dying Lamp th'unsteady Flame / Hang's quiv'ring on a Point, leap's off by Fits, / And fall's again, as loath to quit its Hold / --Thou must not go, my Soul still hover's o'er thee / And can't get loose."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1713
"Whene'er he speaks of thee, his Heart's in Flames, / He sends out all his Soul in ev'ry Word, / And thinks, and talks, and looks like one transported."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1713
"I've been surprized in an unguarded Hour, / But must not now go back: The Love, that lay / Half smother'd in my Breast, has broke through all / Its weak Restraints, and burn's in its full Lustre, / I cannot, if I wou'd, conceal it from thee."
preview | full record— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)
Date: 1713
"In a Glass-House, the Workmen often fling in a small quantity of fresh Coals, which seems to disturb the Fire, but very much enlivens it. This seems to allude to a gentle stirring of the Passions, that the Mind may not languish."
preview | full record— Swift, Jonathan (1667-1745)
Date: 1714
"I own the glorious Subject fires my Breast, / And my Soul's darling Passion stands confest / Beyond or Love's or Friendship's sacred Band, / Beyond my self I prize my Native Land."
preview | full record— Rowe, Nicholas (1674-1718)