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Date: 1728

Say, "How Fancy every Shape puts on? / How kindling Sparks her Form compose, / And whence the constant-shining Train, / That Mem'ry, or Experience shows?"

— Pattison, William (1706-1727)

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Date: March 24, 1729

"The Youth whom I to save wou'd die, / Surpasses all Desire; / Love's fatal Dart, enflames my Heart, / And sets me all on Fire."

— Coffey, Charles (d. 1745)

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Date: 1730

Love is a "strange unruly Something in the Soul" that "like a Fire once kindled in a Mine, / Can ne'er be thoroughly quench'd"

— Miller, James (1704-1744)

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Date: 1730

"Take heed then, heedless Swains, how you come nigh her, / For if she pop her Head but out of Windows, / Your Hearts, as sure as Fate, are burnt to Cinders."

— Mottley, John (1692-1750)

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Date: April 30, 1730

"The spirit of the brain, distilled by the heat of the imagination, like some chemical preparations, when exposed to the air, is apt to smoke, to take fire, to crack, and bounce, to the no small disturbance of the neighbourhood."

— Richard Russel and John Martyn

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Date: 1730

"As thus we talk'd, / Our hearts would burn within us, would inhale / That portion of divinity, that ray / Of purest Heaven, which lights the glorious flame / Of patriots, and of heroes."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1730

"But if doom'd, / In powerless humble fortune, to repress / These ardent risings of the kindling soul; / Then, even superior to ambition, we / Would learn the private virtues."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1730, 1744, 1746

"O'er all the soul his sacred influence breathes!/ Inflames imagination; through the breast / Infuses every tenderness; and far / Beyond dim earth exalts the swelling thought."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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Date: 1730

"There is something so pathetick in this kind of diction, that it often sets the mind in a flame, and makes our hearts burn within us."

— Addison, Joseph (1672-1719)

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Date: 1730, 1744, 1746

"With swift wing / O'er land and sea imagination roams; / Or truth, divinely breaking on his mind, / Elates his being, and unfolds his powers; / Or in his breast heroic virtue burns."

— Thomson, James (1700-1748)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.