Date: 1800
"Your power I dare / In despite of these chains, / Unconquered still my soul remains."
preview | full record— Cobb, James (1756-1818)
Date: April 18, 1805
"Universal benevolence: the chain of reason in which we all, willingly, bind ourselves. Nature gave us the links, and civiliz'd humanity has polish'd them."
preview | full record— Colman, George, the younger (1762-1836)
Date: November 12, 1816
"But what land, that poet ever sung, or enchanter swayed, can equal that, which, when the slave's foot touches, he becomes free--his prisoned soul starts forth, his swelling nerves burst the chain that enthrall'd him, and, in his own strength he stands, as the rock he treads on, majestic and secu...
preview | full record— Morton, Thomas (1764-1838)
Date: January 9, 1827
"Lady Stanmore will never know the value of domestic happiness till she has lost it: she will then find that female domination is wretched slavery; and that the silken tie--the silver links that chain the heart of woman to a worthy husband, is her noblest ornament--her crown of triumph."
preview | full record— Morton, Thomas (1764-1838)