Date: 1686
"But now Within there's Civil War, / In Arms my rebel Passions are, / Their old Allegiance laid aside"
preview | full record— Flatman, Thomas (1635-1688)
Date: 1686
"That many-headed Monster [the passions] has thrown down / Its lawful Monarch Reason from its Throne."
preview | full record— Flatman, Thomas (1635-1688)
Date: 1686
"He finds no Tempest in his Mind, / Fears no Billow, feels no Wind: / All is serene, and quiet there."
preview | full record— Flatman, Thomas (1635-1688)
Date: 1686
"London! joynt Favourite with Him Thou wer't; / As both possess'd a room within one heart, / So now with thine indulgent Sovereign joyn, / Respect his great Friends ashes, for He wept o're Thine."
preview | full record— Flatman, Thomas (1635-1688)
Date: 1686
"Our souls are all disrob'd, all naked laid, / In thy true Mirror men themselves do see"
preview | full record— Flatman, Thomas (1635-1688)
Date: 1686
"In the Recesses of a private Breast, / I thought to entertain your charming Guest, / And never to have boasted of my Feast."
preview | full record— Flatman, Thomas (1635-1688)
Date: 1687
"While pride and pomp allure, and plenteous ease, / That is, till man's predominant passions cease, / Admire no longer at my slow increase."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1687
"But, when arrived at last to human race, / The Godhead took a deep considering space; / And, to distinguish man from all the rest, / Unlocked the sacred treasures of his breast; / And mercy mixt with reason did impart, / One to his head, the other to his heart; / Reason to rule, but mercy to f...
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1687
Man's mind like his "outward form" charmed the eyes of the "wondering herd"
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)
Date: 1687
"Souls that can scarce ferment their mass of clay; / So drossy, so divisible are they, / As would but serve pure bodies for allay."
preview | full record— Dryden, John (1631-1700)