Date: June, 1720
"Faint-hearted Wights, wha dully stood afar, / Tholling your Reason great Attempts to mar; / While the brave Dauntless, of sic Fetters free, / Jumpt headlong glorious in the golden Sea."
preview | full record— Ramsay, Allan (1684-1758)
Date: June, 1720
"Daring and unco' stout he was, / With Heart hool'd in three Sloughs of Brass, Wha ventur'd first upon the Sea / With Hempen Branks, and Horse of Tree"
preview | full record— Ramsay, Allan (1684-1758)
Date: January, 1719; 1720
"Still heavy, at the last my Nose / I prim'd with an inspiring Dose, / Then did the Ideas dance, (dear safe us!) / As they'd been daft."
preview | full record— Ramsay, Allan (1684-1758)
Date: 1721
"For who can hear the Lad complain, / And not participate and feel / His artless undissembled Pain, / Unless he has a Heart of Steel."
preview | full record— Ramsay, Allan (1684-1758)
Date: 1721
"Their Hearts made of Stone, or of Steel are, / That are not Adorers of KATE."
preview | full record— Ramsay, Allan (1684-1758)
Date: 1748
"Such callous Hearts to no Impression yield, / All-guarded with Corruption's seven-fold Shield;"
preview | full record— Warton, Thomas, the elder (1688-1745)
Date: 1748
"the Persian Bands / In fearful Wonder ask; What God unseen / Such Pow'r bestow'd, and steel'd a Woman's Heart"
preview | full record— Warton, Thomas, the elder (1688-1745)
Date: 1748
"These be now my Cares, / To leave the Muse for Virtue [...] but chief my Soul to steel / With adamantine Honour"
preview | full record— Warton, Thomas, the elder (1688-1745)
Date: 1760
"Sudden my verses take the rude alarm, / New-coin'd, and from the mint of fancy warm"
preview | full record— Hamilton, William, of Bangour (1704-1754)
Date: 1760
"There is a certain pleasing force that binds, / Faster than chains do slaves, two willing minds."
preview | full record— Hamilton, William, of Bangour (1704-1754)