Date: 1789, 1800
"On his one ruling passion Sir Pope hugely labors, / That, like th'old Hebrew walking-switch, eats up its neighbours."
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Date: 1789, 1800
"Human Nature's his show-box--your friend, would you know him? / Pull the string, Ruling Passion--the picture will show him."
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Date: 1789, 1800
"Some sort all our qualities each to its tribe, / And think Human Nature they truly describe"
preview | full record— Burns, Robert (1759-1796)
Date: 1790
"[P]ains and diseases of the mind are only cured by Forgetfulness;--Reason but skins the wound, which is perpetually liable to fester again"
preview | full record— Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802)
Date: 1790
"The dreadful tales of robbers' bloody deeds, / That oft had swell'd his theme while nightly stretch'd / Now crowded on his mind in all their rage / Of pistols, purses, stand! deliver! death!"
preview | full record— Wilson, Alexander (1766-1813)
Date: 1790
"Yet ruthless Rulers! hearts of stone and steel!"
preview | full record— Merry, Robert (1755-1798)
Date: 1790
"And o'er Imagination's gloomy glass, / Despair's mute sons like Banquo's visions pass"
preview | full record— Merry, Robert (1755-1798)
Date: 1790, 1794, 1795, 1818, 1827
"Energy is the only life and is from the Body and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy."
preview | full record— Blake, William (1757-1827)
Date: 1790, 1794, 1795, 1818, 1827
"When I came home; on the abyss of the five senses, where a flat sided steep frowns over the present world. I saw a mighty Devil folded in black clouds, hovering on the sides of the rock, with corroding fires he wrote the following sentence now percieved by the minds of men, & read by them on earth"
preview | full record— Blake, William (1757-1827)
Date: 1790, 1794, 1795, 1818, 1827
"The cistern contains: the fountain overflows / One thought, fills immensity."
preview | full record— Blake, William (1757-1827)