Date: 1775
"To account for the idea of time, it appears to me to be sufficient to attend to a few well known facts, viz. that impressions made by external objects remain a certain space of time in the mind, that this time is different according to the strength, and other circumstances of the impression, and...
preview | full record— Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804)
Date: 1775
"If I look upon a house, and then shut my eyes, the impression it has made upon my mind does not immediately vanish."
preview | full record— Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804)
Date: 1792
"I should have been glad if I could have had an earlier opportunity also of knowing, which I do not admit at present, that it was genuine and authentic; because I know not only the impression which such a letter must make upon Gentlemen's minds who are the Jury to try the cause, b...
preview | full record— Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)
Date: 1792
"I have just risen from a conversation which has made a deep impression on my mind."
preview | full record— Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809)
Date: 1793
"Religion is a principle which the practice of all ages has deeply impressed upon the mind."
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1793
"We must divulge our sentiments with the utmost frankness. We must endeavour to impress them upon the minds of others."
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1794
"Every person of learning is finally his own teacher; the reason of which is, that principles, being of a distinct quality to circumstances, cannot be impressed upon the memory; their place of mental residence is the understanding, and they are never so lasting as when they begin by conception."
preview | full record— Paine, Thomas (1737-1809)
Date: 1794
"If by any strong impression on the mind of our fair musician she should be interrupted for a very inconsiderable time, she can still continue her performance, according to the sixth article."
preview | full record— Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802)
Date: 1798
"Add to this, Mary had fixed her heart upon this chosen friend; and one of the last impressions a worthy mind can submit to receive, is that of the worthlessness of the person upon whom it has fixed all its esteem."
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)
Date: 1798
"Finally, when she indulged a romantic affection for Mr. Fuseli, and fondly imagined that she should find in it the solace of her cares, she perceived too late, that, by continually impressing on her mind fruitless images of unreserved affection and domestic felicity, it only served to give new p...
preview | full record— Godwin, William (1756-1836)