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Date: 1728

"So if we have confused Sensation strengthning and fixing our private Desires, the like Sensation joined to publick Affections is necessary, lest the former Desires should wholly engross our Minds: If weight be cast into one Scale, as much must be put into the other to preserve an <...

— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)

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Date: 1728

"'Tis true indeed, that there are few Tempers to be found, wherein these Sensations of the several Passions are in such a Ballance, as in all cases to leave the Mind in a proper State, for considering the Importance of every Action or Event."

— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)

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Date: 1728

A peevish, pettish temper "disarms the Heart of its natural Integrity; it induces us to throw away our true Armour, our natural Courage, and cowardly to commit our selves to the vain Protection of others, while we neglect our own Defence"

— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)

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Date: 1728

"At our Birth the Imagination is intirely a Tabula Rasa or perfect Blank, without any other Materials either for a Simple View or any Other Operation of the Intellect"

— Browne, Peter (d. 1735)

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Date: 1728

"With respect to the simple Perception of Mere Sense he is still upon the same Level with Brutes; he is altogether Passive; he retains all the Signatures and Impressions of outward Objects, but in the very Order only in which they are stamped; with Transposing or Altering, Dividing, or Compoundin...

— Browne, Peter (d. 1735)

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Date: 1728

It is by the senses that "the Ideas of external sensible Objects are first conveyed into the Imagination; and Reason or the pure Intellect ... operates upon those Ideas, and upon them, Only after they are so lodged in that common Receptacle"

— Browne, Peter (d. 1735)

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Date: 1728

"[D]id we consider that the time will come, when we shall be as conscious of his Presence, as we are of our own Existence; as sensible of his Approbation or [195] Condemnation, as we are of the Testimony of our own Hearts; ... how should we despise that Honour which is...

— Hutcheson, Francis (1694-1746)

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Date: March 24, 1729

"The Youth whom I to save wou'd die, / Surpasses all Desire; / Love's fatal Dart, enflames my Heart, / And sets me all on Fire."

— Coffey, Charles (d. 1745)

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Date: March 24, 1729

"The Fish in Innocence secure, / Once tempted by the Bait; / Pursues and snaps the treach'rous Lure, / And meets her certain Fate: / So Virgins when to Love betray'd, / Indulge the pleasing Pain; / The Passion does each Sense invade, / They ne'er are free again."

— Coffey, Charles (d. 1745)

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Date: 1730

"Enlarge the Purlieu of my narrow Mind: / In Colours, plain, expose to Reason's Eye, / What, yet, to Reason Nature does deny"

— Smedley, Jonathan (1671-1729)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.