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Date: 1642, 1655, 1668

"My eye, which swift as thought contracts the space / That lies between, and first salutes the place / Crown'd with that sacred pile, so vast, so high, / That whether 'tis a part of Earth, or sky, / Uncertain seems, and may be thought a proud / Aspiring mountain, or descending cloud, / Pauls, the...

— Denham, John, Sir (1615-1669)

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Date: 1642, 1655, 1668

"Nor wonder, if (advantag'd in my flight, / By taking wing from thy auspicious height) / Through untrac't ways, and aery paths I fly, / More boundless in my Fancy than my eie."

— Denham, John, Sir (1615-1669)

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Date: 1642, 1655, 1668

"O could I flow like thee, and make thy stream / My great example, as it is my theme! / Though deep, yet clear, though gentle, yet not dull, / Strong without rage, without ore-flowing full."

— Denham, John, Sir (1615-1669)

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Date: 1693

"When Reason with her Robes ascends the Throne, / And wisely all my scatter'd Thoughts calls home, / The Messenger is so divine, / Unto her Laws I must resign."

— Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1671/2-1738)

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Date: 1693

"For should I let these Thoughts but rove / They'd fix upon Tyrannick Love."

— Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1671/2-1738)

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Date: 1693

Thoughts may "transcend all the Bounds of Air, / And like a blazing Comet ... inflame my Sphere."

— Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1671/2-1738)

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Date: 1693

"Had the too tender Gods first made / Men's Hearts as hard as Steel, / Their Weakness ne're had been betraid / By ev'ry stroak they feel."

— Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1671/2-1738)

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Date: 1693

"Thy Soul retir'd to her inmost Room, / Dreading the Pressure of the Stroke to come"

— Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1671/2-1738)

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Date: 1693

"When sent from Heav'n a more than common Guest / Takes up his dwelling in a mortal Breast;"

— Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1671/2-1738)

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Date: 1693

"And when a Soul of large Dimensions comes / T' inform the human flesh--compacted Rooms, / The gladsome Fabrick full of Beauty shows"

— Hawkshaw, Benjamin (1671/2-1738)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.