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Date: May 25, 1676

"I'th' worst of Prisons I'll my Body bind, / Rather than Chain my free-born mind, / For such a foolish Toy."

— Shadwell, Thomas (1642-1692)

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Date: July 25, 1676; 1677

"Therefore keep back the heart you come to restore, mine from this hour shakes off your bonds, and that you may not again enslave it, this day I will put it under the protection of one who is at least as fair as you."

— Ravenscroft, Edward (c.1650- c.1700)

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Date: 1676

"Would I had daggers, darts, or poisoned arrows in my breast, so I could but remove the thoughts of him from thence!"

— Etherege, Sir George (1636-1691/2)

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Date: 1677

"O whither will my minde with wavering sail, / When a Disease shall over me prevail?"

— Speed, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. 1679?)

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Date: 1677

"His Soul appears like Paper white, / That yet had scarce bore word aright."

— Speed, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. 1679?)

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Date: 1677

There are "connate Principles engraven in the humane Soul"

— Hale, Sir Matthew (1609-1676)

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Date: 1677

"I have a Mint in my Brain, and I'l coin so much for you both presently."

— Ravenscroft, Edward (c.1650- c.1700)

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Date: 1677

"Prepare thy heart, / For that's the room / Where God must come:"

— Speed, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. 1679?)

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Date: 1677

"So of the Soul the saying may be true, / That e're it bids its Cabinet adieu, / Four inches is the most that it doth keep / Betwixt its life and an eternal sleep"

— Speed, Samuel (bap. 1633, d. 1679?)

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Date: 1677

"My Habit is the Mirror of my Mind, little do you know the value of this outside"?

— D'Urfey, Thomas (1653?-1723)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.