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Date: 1723

"And now his Spirits by the Impulse move / Of the new Guest [Love], while soft unpractis'd Pains / Throb in his Breast and thrill along his Veins."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1723

"Can Pains and Prisons Errour's Force controul, / And the chain'd Body loose the fetter'd Soul?"

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1724-6

"Even the men of business, who are really so when in London; whether it be at the Exchange, the Alley, or the Treasury-Offices, and the Court; yet here they look as if they had left all their London thoughts behind them, and had separated themselves to mirth and good company; as if they came hith...

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: 1728

"Poll performs her Parts / With such Grace and Arts, / That each Night she conquers Hearts, / Both in Pit and Boxes."

— Amhurst, Nicholas (1697-1742)

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Date: 1728

"You found an easy Conquest of my Heart."

— Amhurst, Nicholas (1697-1742)

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Date: 1731

"I am unpractis'd in the Arts of Court; / And my free Thoughts range open as my Eye-balls."

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1731-1732, 1777

"Your poet shall allot your Lord his part, / And paint him in his noblest throne--your heart."

— Savage, Richard (1697/8-1743)

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Date: 1734

"If I but close my eyes, strange images / In thousand forms and thousand colours rise, / Stars, rainbows, moons, green dragons, bears and ghosts, / An endless medley rush upon the stage, / And dance and riot wild in reason's court / Above control."

— Watts, Isaac (1674-1748)

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Date: 1738, 1739

"The Mind, a Blank, when Life begins to flow, / But without Knowledge capable to know, / The God of Nature to our Care commits; / As to the Press we send th' unsully'd Sheets."

— Bancks, John (1709-1751)

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Date: 1738, 1739

"And as with Milton's Numbers, or with mine, / Those Sheets come forth, as Corbet may enjoin; / So Education on the Mind imprints / Sublime Ideas, or low trivial Hints."

— Bancks, John (1709-1751)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.