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Date: [1782]

"I have already mentioned the BRAIN as the Capital Organ of all Sensation, and from it the Nerves all originate."

— Martin, Benjamin (bap. 1705, d. 1782)

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Date: [1782]

"I must now further observe to you, that the Brain is also the Seat or Residence of the MIND or SOUL of the Animal.--That it is the Grand Emporium of all Intelligence, and of all Ideas and Species of external Objects presented there by the Nerves."

— Martin, Benjamin (bap. 1705, d. 1782)

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Date: 1782

"[A] sultry calm fails not to produce a storm, which dissipates the noxious vapours, and restores a purer air; the fiercest tempest, exhausted by its own violence, at length subsides; and an intense sun-shine, whilst it parches up the thirsty earth, exhales clouds, which quickly water it with ref...

— Jenyns, Soame (1704-1787)

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Date: 1782

"Disdainful of those little arts that bind, / In slavish trammels, the inferior mind, / No stage finesse her action shall disgrace, / To trick a generous audience out of praise; / But Truth, and Nature, shall still plead her cause, / And win the tribute of a just applause."

— Whalley, Thomas Sedgwick (1746-1828)

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Date: 1782

"These foes [birds, worms, mildew] combin'd (and with them who may cope?) / Are not more hostile to the Farmer's hope, / Than Life's keen passions to that lighter grain / Of Fancy, scatter'd o'er the infant brain."

— Hayley, William (1745-1820)

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Date: 1782

"Pleasure, the rambling Bird! the painted Jay! / May snatch the richest seeds of Verse away; / Or Indolence, the worm that winds with art / Thro' the close texture of the cleanest heart, / May, if they haply have begun to shoot, / With partial mischief wound the sick'ning root; / Or Avarice, the ...

— Hayley, William (1745-1820)

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Date: 1782

"In this view of the case perhaps that species of detraction, which a court of law will not denominate a libel, in a court of conscience and in the eye of Heaven shall amount to murder. I had almost forgot to add that Castillo was a poet."

— Cumberland, Richard (1732-1811)

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Date: 1782

"By pure exalted Sentiment she draws / From Judgment's steady voice no light applause."

— Hayley, William (1745-1820)

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Date: 1782

"The noble thought, that fir'd a Grecian soul, / Keeps o'er a British mind its firm control."

— Hayley, William (1745-1820)

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Date: 1782

"To captivate admiring Fancy's eyes, / She bids celestial decorations rise; / But, as a playful and capricious child / Frowns at the splendid toy on which it smiled; / So wayward Fancy now with scorn surveys / Those specious Miracles she lov'd to praise; / Still fond of change, and fickle Fashion...

— Hayley, William (1745-1820)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.