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Date: 1751

"Tears gushing again, my heart fluttering as a bird against its wires; drying my eyes again and again to no purpose."

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1751

"For partly the Recommendation of his Person, but chiefly the Profusion of his Expences made her think him a very desireable Lover; and as she saw that his ruling Passion was Vanity, she was too good a Dissembler, and too much a Mistress of her Trade, not to flatter this Weakness for her own Ends."

— Coventry, (William) Francis Walter (1725-1753/4)

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Date: 1751

"She slept longer than usual the next Morning, and it seemed as if some golden Dream was pictured in her Fancy"

— Coventry, (William) Francis Walter (1725-1753/4)

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Date: 1751

"I proceeded therefore--That I loved Familiar-letter-writing, as I had more than once told her, above all the species of writing: It was writing from the heart (without the fetters prescribed by method or study) as the very word 'Cor-respondence' implied"

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1751

"Nothing of body, when friend writes to friend; the mind impelling sovereignly the vassal-fingers."

— Richardson, Samuel (bap. 1689, d. 1761)

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Date: 1752

"The Spirit is active, and loves best to inhabit those Minds where it may meet with the most Work."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1752

"A thousand tender Ideas rushed all at once on my Mind."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1752

"I am going now, Madam, to relate to you one of those strange Accidents, which are produced by such a Train of Circumstances, that mere Chance hath been thought incapable of bringing them together; and which have therefore given Birth, in superstitious Minds, to Fortune, and to several other imag...

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1752

"So many tender Ideas crowded at once into my Mind, that, if I may use the Expression, they almost dissolved my Heart."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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Date: 1752

"For Love, in the Minds of Men, hath one Quality at least of a Fever, which is to prefer Coldness in the Object. Confess, dear Will, is there not something vastly refreshing in the cool Air of a Prude."

— Fielding, Henry (1707-1754)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.