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Date: 1679

"'Tis sure, thy heart hath too too many leaks, / Which sacred things let out, and then let in / Satans suggestions, the world, and sin"

— Slater, Samuel (c.1629-1704)

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Date: 1679

"Mourn therefore that this Cabinet of thine / Framed by Gods own hand for things divine, / And to be fill'd with Christ and Grace should be / Thus stufft with dross, and dung, and vanitie."

— Slater, Samuel (c.1629-1704)

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Date: 1681

The Soul "sup[s] above, and cannot stay / To bait so long upon the way"

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1681

"None can chain a mind / Whom this sweet chordage cannot bind."

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1681

"O who shall, from this Dungeon, raise / A Soul inslav'd so many wayes?"

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1681

"A soul hung up as 'twere, in Chains / Of Nerves, and Arteries, and Veins."

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1681

"O who shall me deliver whole, / From bonds of this Tyrannic Soul?"

— Marvell, Andrew (1621-1678)

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Date: 1684

A "charming Voice, and Art" may gain "the conquest of my Heart

— Oldham, John (1653-1683)

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Date: 1685

Tho' a World of dull Bullion your essence do's hold, / Scarce an Atom of Soul was cast into the Mould, / Room enough, and to spare lavish Nature allows, / But provides not a Tenant to suit with the House

— Wesley, Samuel, The Elder (bap. 1662, d. 1735)

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Date: 1689

"So the Philosopher would needs be blind, / T' improve the nobler Eye-sight of his Mind, / Not to mean earthly Opticks be confin'd."

— Goodall, Charles (1671-1689)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.