Date: 1900
"Then from this hour deep on my heart engraved / Be all my duty needful."
preview | full record— Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Date: November 22, 1990
"The nervous system adapts, is tailored, evolves, so that experience, will, sensibility, moral sense, and all that one would call personality or soul becomes engraved in the nervous system."
preview | full record— Sacks, Oliver (b. 1933)
Date: 1992
"Even more important to David than the very natural worry that his wife and his son might grow fond of one another was the intoxicating feeling that he had a blank consciousness to work with, and it gave him great pleasure to knead this yielding clay with his artistic thumbs."
preview | full record— Edward St. Aubyn (b. 1960)
Date: 2000
"He must get the whole thing clear, like a diagram hanging in the translucent space of his imagination, the blueprint of a missile that would lay waste to the Great Consciousness Debate."
preview | full record— Edward St. Aubyn (b. 1960)