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Date: 1698

"In this Glass [her journal] she every Day dress'd her Mind, to this faithful Monitor she repair'd for Advice and Direction, compar'd the past with the present, judg'd of what would be by what had been, observ'd nicely the several successive Degrees of Holiness She got, and of humane Infirmity sh...

— Atterbury, Francis (1663-1732)

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Date: 1699

"The Soul which was of purest Angel-kind, / The reflex Image of its Maker's Mind."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1701, 1704

"As in a Looking-glass, in which he that looks does indeed immediately behold the Species in the Glass, but does also at the same time actually behold Peter or Paul whose Image it is."

— Norris, John (1657-1712)

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Date: 1701, 1704

"The application of our Thoughts to other Subjects is like looking upon the Rays of the Sun as it shines to us from a Wall, or upon the Image of it as it returns from a Watry Mirrour, but this is looking up directly against the Fons veri lucidus, the bright Source of Intellectual Light a...

— Norris, John (1657-1712)

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Date: 1702

"But there is one soft Minute, when the Mind / Is left unguarded," during which "the wise Lover understanding right, /Steals in like Day upon the Wings of Light."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1702

"Thus a man's Face in the Glass is properly the 'Idea' of that Face; or when we seen any single Object, the little Picture or Image form'd at the bottom of the Eye may be properly call'd the 'Idea' of the thing seen; and by a Latitude in Expression the Picture of a Man or of any thing else, may b...

— Lee, Henry, (c.1644-1713)

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Date: 1704

"As thro' the Artist's intervening Glass, / Our Eye observes the distant Planets pass; / A little we discover; but allow, / That more remains unseen, than Art can show: / So whilst our Mind it's Knowledge wou'd improve; / (It's feeble Eye intent on Things above) / High as We may, We lift our Rea...

— Prior, Matthew (1664-1721)

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Date: 1705

"Perhaps what seems to one Black, may seem to another of a different Colour; in short, we cannot absolutely determine whether or no the Eyes are not like Glasses differently cut, which after that manner changes the Colours of Objects."

— Manley, Delarivier (c. 1670-1724)

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Date: 1705

"Natalis Comes says, The Genii or Daemons present us with the Species or Images of those things they would perswade us to, as in a Glass; on which Images, when our Soul privately looks, those things come into our Mind; which, if consider'd with Reason, give us a right determination of Mind."

— Beaumont, John (c.1640-1731)

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Date: 1708

"Besides, he has given an account of those several steps and degrees by which a Man is brought to this perfection; till his Soul is like a polish'd Looking-glass, in which he beholds the Truth: and then he swims in pleasure, and rejoyces exceedingly in his Mind, because of the impressions of Trut...

— Ockley, Simon (bap. 1679, d. 1720)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.