Date: 1700
"I feel my Soul rise with my Pocket."
preview | full record— Burnaby, William (1673-1706)
Date: 1701
"Conceit, like Wind, has seiz'd the empty Head, and Men convulsively strive to utter what they want a Fund of Brains to yeild."
preview | full record— Baker, Thomas (b. 1680-1)
Date: 1710, 1714
"There is no way of estimating manners or apprising the different humours, fancies, passions, and apprehensions of others without first taking an inventory of the same kind of goods within ourselves and surveying our domestic fund."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1710, 1714
"For the understanding here must have its mark, its characteristic note, by which it may be distinguished."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1710, 1797
"Like the soul in the body it [paper credit] actuates all substance, yet it is itself immaterial."
preview | full record— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)
Date: 1710, 1714
"It must be seen from what bottom they speak; from what Principle, what Stock or Fund of Knowledg they draw; and what Kind or Species of Understanding they possess."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1710, 1714
"Thus I contend with Fancy and Opinion; and search the Mint and Foundery of Imagination. For here the Appetites and Desires are fabricated. Hence they derive their Privilege and Currency. If I can stop the Mischief here, and prevent false Coinage; I am safe."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1710, 1714
"There is no way of estimating Manners, or apprizing the different Humours, Fancys, Passions and Apprehensions of others, without first taking an Inventory of the same kind of Goods within ourselves, and surveying our domestick Fund."
preview | full record— Cooper, Anthony Ashley, third earl of Shaftesbury (1671-1713)
Date: 1718
"Set forth your Edict, let it be enjoyn'd, / That all defective Species be recoyn'd: / R---r and E---r---t are Judges fit / To oversee the Stamping of our Wit."
preview | full record— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)
Date: 1723, 1740
"Those slighted Favours which cold Nymphs dispense, / Mere common Counters of the Sense, / Defective both in Mettle and in Measure, / A Lover's Fancy coins into a Treasure."
preview | full record— Sheffield, John, first duke of Buckingham and Normanby (1647-1721)