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Date: 1940

"The provinces of his body revolted, / The squares of his mind were empty, / Silence invaded the suburbs, / The current of his feeling failed; he became his admirers."

— Auden, W. H. (1907-1973)

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Date: 1992

"The kingdom of the mind, therefore, included not only human understanding and willing, but also human seeing, hearing, feeling, pain, and pleasure."

— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)

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Date: 1992

"The mind--considered as intellect and will together--is, if all goes well, supreme in the human soul; but neither intellect nor will is an autocratic emperor; rather, they are joint consuls on the model of the Roman Republic."

— Kenny, Anthony (b. 1931)

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Date: 2000

"But she was still observing herself, and thereby observing herself observe herself, in the infinite regress of the witness box."

— Edward St. Aubyn (b. 1960)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.