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Date: 1697

"The Soul that awful Throne of Thought, That sacred Seat of Contemplation."

— Vanbrugh, Sir John (1664-1726)

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Date: 1697

"When your amazing Jealousy's my Judge, the worst of Villains."

— Cibber, Colley (1671-1757)

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Date: 1697

"Inexorable Hatred, Pride unmixt / Desp'rate Revenge, and Malice deeply fixt, / With Wrath from every Stain of Love refin'd / Reign'd uncontroul'd in his envenom'd Mind."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1697

"It reach'd the inmost Marrow of the Brain / Where we perceive our Pleasures, and our Pain. / There where the Soul upon her Throne abides, / And from our Sight conceal'd her Empire guides: / Do's various Orders various Tasks dispence, / To all th'inferiour Ministers of Sence."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1698

"But when Vice is varnish'd over with Pleasure, and comes in the Shape of Convenience, the case grows somewhat dangerous; for then the Fancy may be gain'd, and the Guards corrupted, and Reason suborn'd against it self."

— Collier, Jeremy (1650-1726)

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Date: 1698

"A well work'd Poem is a powerful piece of Imposture: It masters the Fancy, and hurries it no Body knows whither.--If therefore we would be govern'd by Reason let us stand off from the Temptation, such Pleasures can have no good Meaning."

— Collier, Jeremy (1650-1726)

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Date: 1699

"The Passions still predominant will rule: / Uncivil, rude, nor bred in Reason's School."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: May 16, 1699

"All others have a right to be followed as far as I, i.e. as far as the evidence of what they say convinces; and of that my own understanding alone must be judge for me, and nothing else."

— Locke, John (1632-1704)

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Date: 1699

"Those that were without a Law were a Law unto themselves, doing by nature the things contained in the Law, which shows the Law written in their hearts"

— Burnet, Thomas (c.1635-1715)

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Date: 1699

"Their Consciences bearing witness, and their thoughts accusing them or excusing them"

— Burnet, Thomas (c.1635-1715)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.