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Date: 1723

"The Cells, and little Lodgings, Thou canst see / In Mem'ry's Hoards and secret Treasury; / Dost the dark Cave of each Idea spy, / And see'st how rang'd the crouded Lodgers lye; / How some, when beckon'd by the Soul, awake, / While peaceful Rest their uncall'd Neighbours take."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: February 22, 1723

"Can the Queen / Pierce to the close recesses of the soul? / Are thoughts there visible, like children's toys / Kept in a chrystal case?"

— Fenton, Elijah (1683-1730)

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Date: 1725

"He must be a Master of the Science; and be able to lead a Reader, knowingly, thro’ that Labyrinth of the Passions, which fill the Heart of Man, and make him either a noble or a despicable Creature."

— Gally, Henry (bap. 1696, d. 1769)

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Date: 1726, 1753

"The great grow greater, while its force they prove, / But little hearts want room, and cripple love."

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1727

"Homer's Notion of the State of the Dead, was something like the ancient Philosophy of the Aegyptians, which gave the Soul a Shape like the Body, and that it was only a Receptacle of the Mind; the Mind they made to be the sublime and superior Part, and that only."

— Defoe, Daniel (1660?-1731)

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Date: 1729, 1731

"Thus after long Experience oft has prov'd / His steady Virtue is not to be moved, / Of his known Faithfulness so well assur'd, / From Fears of Fraud his Master rests secur'd: / And, should Occasion happen, in his Breast, / His Gold, his Secrets, or his Life might rest."

— Dodsley, Robert (1703-1764)

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Date: 1730

"By a Mind, laudably filled with a Zeal for his Country's Safety, every Hint, that infers its Danger, should be thought of the utmost Importance."

— Hill, Aaron (1685-1750)

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Date: 1731

"When in a great Throng or Crowd of People, a Man looking round about meets with innumerable strange Faces, that he never saw before in all his Life, and at last chances to espy the Face of one Old Friend or Acquaintance, which he had not seen or thought of many Years before; he would be said in ...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: 1731

"For which Cause that wise Philosopher Socrates altogether shunned that Dictating and Dogmatical Way of Teaching used by the Sophisters of that Age, and chose rather an Aporetical and Obstetricious Method; because Knowledge was not to be poured into the Soul like Liquor, but rather to be invited ...

— Cudworth, Ralph (1617-1688)

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Date: June 22, 1731

"A heavy Melancholy clouds my Spirits; my Imagination is fill'd with gashly Forms of dreary Graves, and Bodies chang'd by Death,--when the pale lengthen'd Visage attracks each weeping Eye,--and fills the musing Soul, at once, with Grief and Horror, Pity and Aversion."

— Lillo, George (1691/3-1739)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.