Date: 1743
"Enthusiasts of all ages were ever, in their natural state, most heavy and lumpish; but on the least application of heat, they run like lead, which of all metals falls quickest into fusion. "
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1743
"With the same Cement [Authority], ever sure to bind, / We bring to one dead level ev'ry mind"
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1743
"Whereas fire in a Genius is truly Promethean, it hurts not its constituent parts, but only fits it (as it does well-tempered steel) for the necessary impressions of art."
preview | full record— Pope, Alexander (1688-1744)
Date: 1754
"In the first place, we must offer him the tribute of our gold, as to our true King; that is, we must daily present him with our souls, stampt with his own image, and burnished with divine love."
preview | full record— Challoner, Richard (1691-1781)
Date: 1754
"Our souls are stampt with God's own image, to this very end, that we should give them in tribute to him, by perfect love: 'render then to God the things that are God's'; by daily offering your whole souls up to him, by fervent acts of love; and you shall have given him your gold."
preview | full record— Challoner, Richard (1691-1781)
Date: 1761
"Ye Pow'rs above my Breast with courage steel, / That when the Hour arrives, I may not feel / A Mother's weakness melting this sad Heart"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1766, 1806
"Let this pervade at length thy heart of steel; / Yet, yet return, nor blush, Oh man! to feel."
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)
Date: 1773
"'Prepare (he said) the tragic scene to close, / 'And shun the fate that iron-hearts impose"
preview | full record— Jerningham, Edward (1727-1812)