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Date: 1697

"Conscience enrag'd a fiercer Ravager, / Than ravening Vultures, Did his Bowels tear. / Around his Veins envenom'd Adders clung, / And to the Heart the tortur'd Monarch stung. / Vengeance Divine upon his Soul was pour'd, / And unextinguish'd Flames his Life devour'd."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1697

"Thence thro' his Skull it passage did obtain, / And pierc'd the inmost Marrow of the Brain; / Where the melodious Strings of Sense are found / Up to a due and just extension wound; / All tun'd for Life, and fitted to receive / Th'harmonious strokes which outward Objects give."

— Blackmore, Sir Richard (1654-1729)

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Date: 1698, 1751

"There is a natural and indelible Sence of Deity, and consequently of Religion, in the Mind of Man."

— Whichcote, Benjamin (1609-1683)

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Date: 1698

"All Divine Truth is of one of these two Emanations:--Either it flows from God, in the first Instant and Moment of God's Creation; and then it is the Light of that Candle which God set up in Man, to light him; and that which by this Light he may discover, are all the Instances of Morality; of goo...

— Whichcote, Benjamin (1609-1683)

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Date: 1699

"The Passions still predominant will rule: / Uncivil, rude, nor bred in Reason's School."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1699

"Our Understanding they [the passions] with darkness fill, / Cause strange Conceptions, and pervert the Will."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1699

"On these the Soul, as on some flowing tide, / Must sit, and on the swelling Billows ride; / Hurry'd away, for how can be withstood / Th' Impetuous Torrent of the boyling blood?"

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1699

"The Soul which was of purest Angel-kind, / The reflex Image of its Maker's Mind."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1699

"Then th' Understanding without pain did climb: / Capacious, Active, Lively, and Sublime, / Clear as fair Fountains, and as pure as they, / Chast as the Morn, and open as the day."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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Date: 1699

"Love then, that sweet procession of the Mind, / Was from all Dross, and Earthly Dreggs refin'd."

— Pomfret, John (1667-1702)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.