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Date: 1736

"THOU, matur'd by glad Hesperian Suns, / Tobacco, Fountain pure of limpid Truth, / That looks the very Soul; whence pouring Thought / Swarms all the Mind; absorpt is yellow Care, / And at each Puff Imagination burns."

— Browne, Isaac Hawkins (1705-1760)

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Date: 1738

"I can know 'I' did something in the past despite this flux which may involve no residual particles that were part of the original system at the time of an event: Consciousness of having done an Action is an Idea imprinted on the Brain, by recollecting or bringing into View our Ideas before they ...

— Collins, Anthony (1676-1729)

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Date: February 1738

One may be " In State most desponding, by the Light of a Taper, / With Thoughts dull and dark as my Wax, or my Paper"

— Tickell, Thomas (1685-1740)

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Date: 1738

A person may be called the same person by "a continual Superaddition of the like Consciousness ... Just as a Ship is called the same Ship, after the whole Substance is changed by frequent Repairs; or a River is called the same River, though the Water of it be every Day new."

— Clarke, Samuel (1675-1729)

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Date: 1738

"Consciousness of having done an Action is an Idea imprinted on the Brain."

— Collins, Anthony (1676-1729)

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Date: 1740

"If any thing could excuse that desperate Extravagance of Love, that almost frantick Passion of Lee's Alexander the Great, it must have been when Mrs. Bracegirdle was his Statira: As when she acted Millamant all the Faults, Follies, and Affectations of that agreeable Tyrant were venially melted d...

— Cibber, Colley (1671-1757)

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Date: 1740

"In a Word, I may palliate and soften as much as I please; but upon an honest Examination of my Heart, I am afraid the same Vanity which makes even homely People employ Painters to preserve a flattering Record of their Persons, has seduced me to print off this Chiaro Oscuro of my Mind."

— Cibber, Colley (1671-1757)

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Date: 1740

"This Work, I say, shall not only contain the various Impressions of my Mind, (as in Louis the Fourteenth his Cabinet you have seen the growing Medals of his Person from Infancy to Old Age,) but shall likewise include with them the Theatrical History of my Own Time, from my first Appearance on th...

— Cibber, Colley (1671-1757)

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Date: 1740

"My Mind, my Mind is a Kingdom to me!"

— Cibber, Colley (1671-1757)

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Date: 1741, 1742, 1755

"For it was Aristotle's opinion, who compared the soul to a 'rasa tabula', that human sensations and reflections were passions: These therefore are what he finely calls, the 'passive intelligent'; which, he says, shall cease, or is corruptible."

— Warburton, William (1698-1779)

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The Mind is a Metaphor is authored by Brad Pasanek, Assistant Professor of English, University of Virginia.